Needs-adapted interior design delivered three ways

Trends come and go. Good solutions endure. Interior designs created based solely on what is trendy rarely stand the test of time. Use the specific needs and objectives of your business as the basis for your decisions instead. The result will be an interior design that both supports day-to-day activities and provides a platform for fulfilment of objectives. Rather than wasting time and causing frustration.

Needs-adapted interior design is smart interior design. With premises adapted to the size of the organisation, furniture that supports the working method and an interior design that clarifies the brand, it is possible to keep down costs and enhance employee productivity. Reduce absences and increase job satisfaction. It’s just a matter of knowing how. Here we take a more detailed look at how the workplace could look and be divided in order to optimise activities.

We have divided up the workplace area into three segments:

Traditional working area such as desks, office chairs and storage.
Informal meeting areas such as corridors, open areas, printing stations and lounges.
Formal meeting areas such as conference rooms, group rooms and break rooms.


Traditional office cubicles

A classic layout where each employee has a well-defined base. Separate and shared office rooms with individual workstations make up the biggest area. Great scope for undisturbed, private work and individually adapting workstations. There is generally plenty of space for personal storage. With smart planning, floor-to-ceiling windows and open doors, traditional office cubicles can become dynamic and welcoming. Informal meeting areas are limited, which reduces spontaneous exchanges in corridors and open areas. Formal meetings take place in break rooms, group rooms and conference rooms.

Kontor och näringsliv Traditionellt cellkontor


Open-plan office environment

In an open-plan office environment the individual workstation is the central focus, but the layout creates possibilities for greater flows and conversation between employees. The workstations are positioned close to one another and screen walls and sound absorbers are crucial to create a stimulating yet peaceful work environment. Fewer walls and more open areas provide scope for greater flows in the workplace and encourage spontaneous meetings – by workstations or in open areas. The open-plan office environment increases communication between employees, while the security of having an individual base from which to work remains.

Kontor och näringsliv Öppet kontorslandskap



In an activity-based layout, current work tasks determine where, how and with whom you work. Employees may perhaps have a base for traditional desk-based work, but it is often significantly smaller in area. Such bases may also be removed entirely and employees then choose from an abundance of workstations for the day, hour or project. The areas for informal and formal meetings constitute at least 50 % of the premises. This creates scope for flexibility and natural exchanges between employees. More workers can be accommodated in a smaller area and reorganisation is simpler.

Kontor och näringsliv Aktivitetsbaserat


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